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Dr. Ramon Moreno Balsalobre, head of the Video-assisted thoracoscopy at MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid has been awarded the Doctor Vicente Pozuelo Escudero Prize for his work on the ‘Thoracic surgery care unit to rationalize care at three associated hospitals in the Autonomous Community of Madrid’ Project. The prize, awarded by the Medical Society of Madrid and the ICOMEM (Medical Society of Madrid) Foundation for Education and Training in Healthcare, recognizes the most outstanding initiatives in the area of humanization of medicine.

The project, designed by Dr. Moreno, aims to develop a Thoracic Surgery Care Unit associated with two other hospitals in the Autonomous Community of Madrid lacking the specialty. Thus, the unit would move between the hospitals to provide the services needed for patients with thoracic disease.

In addition, with this care model, the goal is to promote integral care of the cancer patient through a personalized approach to the disease, in which both the medical and psychosocial aspects are taken into consideration. “People who live with lung cancer face a disease that causes high levels of uncertainty and anxiety. This care unit proposes managing these effects with closer, more personalized care from the diagnosis, during treatment and also in the posterior follow-up phase”, stated Dr. Moreno.
