Controversies in Kidney Cancer
Inicio: 20/05/2019
Fin: 20/05/2019
Horario: De 16:00 a 19:10 hrs
Localización: Auditorio Fundación MD Anderson Cancer Center España, C/ Arturo Soria, 270 Madrid


16:00-16:10   Welcome & Introduction to the meeting

Dr. Carlos Núñez, Head of Urology at MD Anderson Madrid, Spain

Dr. Enrique Grande, Head of Oncology at MD Anderson Madrid, Spain


16:10-16:30   Innovative techniques for less invasive Nephrectomy

Dr. Antonio Alcaraz, Head of Hospital Clinic Barcelona, Spain


16:30-17:00   What have SURTIME and CARMENA trials changed in our real practice?

Dr. Axel Bex, Royal Free Hospital, London and The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Netherlands


17:00-17:30   ROUND TABLE Led by:

Dr. Eldiberto Fernández, San Rafael Hospital, Spain

Dr. Juan Ignacio Martínez Salamanca, Puerta del Hierro Hospital, Spain


17:30-18:00   The earthquake of data in first-line treatment of metastatic RCC. Can we do a comprehensive summary?

Dr. Javier Puente, Clínico San Carlos Hospital, Spain


18:00-18:30   ESMO 2019 guidelines on mRCC and beyond: challenges to be faced in the short term

Dr. Bernard Escudier, Gustave Roussy Institute, France


18:30-19:00   ROUND TABLE Led by:

Dr. José Ángel Arranz, MD Anderson Madrid, Spain

Dra. Icíar García Carbonero, Virgen de la Salud Toledo Hospital, Spain


19:00-19:10   Closing remarks

Dr. Carlos Núñez, Head of Urology at MD Anderson Madrid, Spain

Dr. Enrique Grande, Head of Oncology at MD Anderson Madrid, Spain


Para más información, info@fundacionmdanderson.es 

Folleto: Descargar aquí
Tarifa: Gratuito
Organizador: Fundación MD Anderson Cancer Center España
Inicio de inscripción: 01/05/2019
Fin de inscripción: 20/05/2019