
Bone Health

Loss of bone mass is common as people age. Cells that help rebuild bone don't get replaced at the same rate, resulting in bones that become thin and porous (full of tiny holes). This condition, called osteoporosis, is the most common type of bone disease. People with osteoporosis are more likely to suffer fractures and painful disabilities because of weakened, fragile bones.

More than 80% of osteoporosis cases occur in post-menopausal women, who have lower levels of estrogen, a vital hormone for bone density. Bone loss can also occur in men or women with poor nutrition, inadequate intake of calcium and vitamin D, or who are confined to bed for long periods due to illness.

Cancer treatments can also contribute to bone loss. Possible causes of cancer-related osteoporosis and bone fractures include:


  • Some chemotherapy drugs can decrease calcium levels in the body
  • Radiation therapy to the pelvic region, especially for women over the age of 65
  • Spread (metastasis) of cancer to the bone from the original tumor site
  • Hormone therapy to suppress testosterone in prostate cancer patients
  • Steroid treatments

Tips for Bone Health

There are steps that can help reduce your risk of bone loss and promote strong, healthy bones during cancer treatment.


Early detection: A bone density scan can determine if bone loss is occurring. A scan can be performed before, during and after cancer treatment.


Calcium: This mineral maintains bone health and strength. Calcium decreases as we age, so it's important to replace it with diet or a supplement. Calcium-rich foods include cheese, yogurt and broccoli, or choose from calcium-fortified foods such as orange juice, milk and pasta.


Vitamin D helps your body absorb and retain calcium. Vitamin D is manufactured in the skin using energy from sunlight and can also be found in vitamin D fortified food, such as milk.


Bisphosphonates: these prescription medications slow the rate of bone loss and may even help promote new bone growth.


Exercise: Weight-bearing physical activity (walking, dancing, stair climbing, and jumping rope) stimulates production of bone-forming cells and also helps build muscles, providing more stability.


Maintain a healthy weight: a nutritionally-balanced diet is crucial to healthy bones. People who are underweight are more prone to bone loss and fractures.


Prevent falls: Take steps to make your environment free of dangers that could cause a fall. Don't leave papers or magazines on the floor, and remove scatter rugs and other clutter that can trip you up.


Detección precoz: un estudio de la densidad ósea puede determinar si existe pérdida ósea. Dicho estudio puede realizarse antes, durante y después del tratamiento del cáncer.


Calcio: este mineral mantiene la salud y la resistencia de los huesos. El calcio disminuye a medida que envejecemos, por lo que es importante reponerlo con la alimentación o con un suplemento. Entre los alimentos ricos en calcio figuran queso, yogur y brécol o elija alimentos enriquecidos en calcio, como zumo de naranja, leche y pasta. La vitamina D ayuda a que el cuerpo absorba y conserve el calcio. La vitamina D se fabrica en la piel utilizando energía procedente de la luz y también se encuentra en alimentos enriquecidos en vitamina D, como la leche.


Bisfosfonatos: estos medicamentos reducen la velocidad de pérdida ósea e incluso pueden favorecer el crecimiento de hueso nuevo.


Ejercicio: la actividad física con apoyo en carga (caminar, bailar, subir escaleras y saltar a la comba) estimula la producción de células formadoras de hueso y contribuye a formar los músculos, lo que proporciona mayor estabilidad.


Mantenimiento de un peso saludable: una dieta nutricionalmente equilibrada es esencial para lograr unos huesos sanos. Los pacientes con un peso insuficiente son más propensos a la pérdida ósea y las fracturas.


Prevención de caídas: adopte medidas para hacer que su entorno esté exento de peligros que pueden causar una caída. No deje papeles o revistas en el suelo y retire las esterillas y otras cosas con las que pueda tropezar.