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Download our app
Manage your medical appointments from your cell phone and access our specialists quickly and easily according to your needs
Now available
From MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid, we offer you a tool with which to manage your medical appointments from your cell phone
Schedule your appointments with our specialists according to your needs at a time that is convenient for you. Discover a new space for patients..
Request, manage, reschedule and cancel appointments
Look for doctors
Manage your family’s appointments.
Check your doctors’ appointments history and upcoming appointments
Scheduled diagnostic tests (upcoming and prior test appointments)
See your test results (laboratory results and COVID-19 tests) with double verification to protect your data
We offer you a place from which you can manage your appointments simply from your cell phone.
Manage your medical appointments from anywhere with our APP. Access a wide portfolio of medical specialties, tests and services with our professionals..
To use the app, we request permission for the following: Location: When you log in to the app, we will be able to locate you to offer you a list of the closest doctors and centers. Location: So that on the days you have an appointment, you know how long it will take to get there and not waste a minute of your time. Files: To be able to download your documents. And other data needed to allow you to use the APP correctly.