
Cancer and business

Cancer and business

Companies are a key part in the approach to cancer, both in the promotion of healthy lifestyle habits and prevention of risk factors, as well as in accompanying people diagnosed with cancer, whether they are employees or their families.

For that reason, Cigna Spain and MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid join forces and promote the 'Cancer and Business' initiative, with the aim of encouraging a culture of support for cancer in the Spanish business world and raising awareness of the challenges posed by the disease.


2020 Perspectives
Cancer in the company

An X-ray of the state of the culture of support for cancer in the Spanish business fabric.

Download it here
Practical notes for Human Resources
Cancer in the company

The guide will inspire you to implement comprehensive policies to address cancer from the HR department.

Download it here
A new scenario. Cancer in the company before the COVID-19.
Cancer in the company

Decalogue for the accompaniment of employees with cancer in organizations

Download it here
Cancer in the enterprise. Challenges in the face of the most commonly diagnosed cancers.
Cancer in the company

The document distinguishes four key moments in the approach to cancer in the company: pre-diagnosis, diagnosis, treatment and return to work.

Download it here