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  • The use of genetic platforms allows prediction of the risk of relapse at ten years and whether there are benefits, or not in using chemotherapy in these patients
  • The genetic platform chosen by MD Anderson Madrid for this analysis evaluates 21 different genes, compared to the three genes usually studied under normal conditions in the laboratory. This is the same platform used by MD Anderson in Houston
  • This test is indicated in hormone-sensitive breast cancer with luminal subtype, with lymph nodes unaffected, although positive results are also being seen in patients with one and three nodes affected
  • Almost 33,000 women in Spain will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year, according to estimates from the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology


Madrid, October 15, 2020:- Almost 33,000 Spanish women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020, according to estimates from the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM). The good news is that up to 70% of these women could benefit from a genetic test capable of "determining the probability of relapse at ten years and whether or not they may benefit from chemotherapy", says Dr. Laura Garcia Estevez, head of the Breast Unit at MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid.

"Under normal laboratory conditions, we measure three factors (estrogen and progesterone receptors, Ki67 and HER2), while this test measures a total of 21 genes", explains Dr. Garcia Estevez, who stresses the high degree of reliability of this genetic platform chosen by the center.

Specifically, this test is indicated in "patients with hormone-sensitive breast cancer, i.e. with positive hormone receptors, with a luminal subtype and who do not have affected lymph nodes, i.e. still in an initial stage", explains Dr. Garcia Estevez. Patients with breast cancer in more advanced metastatic stages cannot benefit from this, since what this genetic platform measures is precisely, the likelihood of distant relapse of the patient, that is, the development of metastasis).


Positive results in patients with affected nodes

Although for the moment this test is only indicated in women whose breast cancer has not yet spread to the lymph nodes in the armpit, the situation could change in the short to medium term. There are currently ongoing studies that seek to find out if this test could also be effective in those patients whose tumor is more advanced and has already spread to the lymph nodes in the armpit.

On this subject, Dr. Garcia Estevez points out that there are already "very interesting retrospective data on patients who have between one and three affected lymph nodes and who have benefited from this test." Of course, in her opinion, three affected lymph nodes would be the limit for this genetic platform to be effective in its results.