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100,000 people die every year around the world of lung cancer associated with pollution, according to data published by the World Health Organization (WHO). As a result, MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid, a hospital dedicated exclusively to the treatment of cancer, and emov, a car-sharing company with the largest 100% electric fleet in Madrid, have launched an awareness campaign on the health risks of the increasingly high levels of pollution in Madrid. In addition to airborne pollution, smoking and the inhalation of chemical and/or minerals like arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, asbestos or silica are also considered major risk factors in lung cancer.

On the occasion of World Lung Cancer Day, next Saturday, November 17, 600 emov electric cars will drive through the streets of Madrid announcing the joint campaign “Together we will beat cancer”. To encourage sustainable mobility and reduce pollution, two of the main aims of the campaign, the companies will give away 20 free minutes of sustainable driving time with the code “MDANDERSONMADRID” to all those registering as new emov users until the end of the month.

Emov will also reduce the registration fee for new users from 9 to 2 euros and will donate that sum to MD Anderson Foundation Spain destined to MD Anderson’s Lung Cancer ‘Moon Shot’ initiative, which is working on the identification of biomarkers in blood to improve screening and early detection of lung cancer. The initiative is part of MD Anderson ‘Moon Shots’ program, which is working hard on collaborations to speed up turning discoveries into clinical advances capable of saving lives.

Users will also find inside the vehicle an eco pencil with which MD Anderson Madrid and emov invite users to help ‘score’ cancer out of our lives. The pencil has a seed container attached to it, so after use it can be planted and will soon become a cherry tomato plant, which symbolizes the commitment of these two companies to caring for the environment by reducing airborne pollution.

Two closely linked concepts – cancer and pollution, with which Dr. Natalia Carballo, head of Radiation Oncology and participant in the lung cancer ‘Moon Shot project at MD Anderson Madrid, is especially involved. “Airborne pollution is a major environmental risk for our health and proof of that is that by reducing levels of airborne pollution, we can also reduce morbidity rates associated to, not only cancer, but to strokes or acute respiratory disease”, states the doctor.

Carlos Blanco, Marketing and Communications Director at emov, states that, through this action “emov aims to fight against the high levels of CO2 released into the atmosphere every day, that are not only bad for the city, but endanger the lives of everyone who lives in the city, and that is why our fleet is 100% electric. This project is a great opportunity for everyone living in Madrid to reflect and learn about how important it is to change the way we move around the city and to all do our bit to reduce diseases caused by high levels of pollution”.

Adrenal Cancer Appendix Cancer Bladder Cancer Bone Cancer Brain cancer Breast Cancer Cáncer de apéndice Cáncer de boca Cáncer de cabeza y cuello Cáncer de cerebro Cáncer de colon Cáncer de cuello uterino / cervix Cáncer de esófago Cáncer de estómago Cáncer de hígado Cáncer de hueso Cáncer de laringe Cáncer de mama Cáncer de mama inflamatorio Cáncer de ojo Cáncer de origen primario desconocido (CPD) Cáncer de ovario Cáncer de páncreas Cáncer de pene Cáncer de piel Cáncer de próstata Cáncer de pulmón Cáncer de riñón Cáncer de testículo Cáncer de tiroides Cáncer de útero Cáncer de vejiga Cancer of Unknown Primary (CUP) Cáncer suprarrenal Carcinoid Tumors Carcinoma de trompa de Falopio Cervical Cancer Colon Cancer Cushing's Syndrome Enfermedad de Von Hippel-Lindau Enfermedades paratiroideas Esophageal Cancer Eye Cancer Fallopian Tube Cancer Feocromocitoma Head & Neck Cancer Hiperaldosteronismo Hodgkin's Lymphoma Hyperaldosteronism Inflammatory Breast Cancer Kidney Cancer Laryngeal Cancer Leucemia Leukemia Linfoma de Hodgkin Linfoma no hodgkiniano Liver Cancer Lung Cancer Macroglobulinemia de Waldenström Melanoma Mesotelioma Mesothelioma Mieloma múltiple Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Multiple Myeloma Myelodysplastic Syndrome Myeloproliferative Disorders Neoplasias endocrinas múltiples Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Oral Cancer Ovarian Cancer Pancreatic Cancer Parathyroid Disease Penile Cancer Pheochromocytoma Pituitary Tumors Prostate Cancer Sarcoma de tejidos blandos Síndrome de Cushing Síndrome mielodisplásico Skin Cancer Skull Base Tumor Soft Tissue Sarcoma Stomach cancer Testicular Cancer Thyroid Cancer Trastornos mieloproliferativos Tumor de la base del cráneo Tumores carcinoides Tumores hipofisarios Uterine Cancer Von Hippel Lindau Disease Waldenström's Macroglobulinemia