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36% of clinical trials launched in Spain correspond to initial phases of research – these phases are the most complex, but are also the most essential to trial potentially effective molecules.

MD Anderson Madrid currently has eight phase I clinical trials open to recruitment, but hopes to close the year with 15-20 phase I trials running

Although the COVID-19 pandemic has made the public more aware of what a clinical trial is, the reality is that there is still they do not know, above all, about the time required by research.

Al ser un centro dedicado al abordaje de pacientes oncológicos, MD Anderson Madrid ha acogido un número importante de cirugías oncológicas de pacientes procedentes de otros hospitales de la Comunidad de Madrid

La colaboración de MD Anderson Madrid con la iniciativa “Acortando la distancia” ha permitido que las personas ingresadas hayan podido disponer de móviles y tabletas para comunicarse con sus familiares

People who live in the same household with these patients must reduce contact with them, clean common areas often, disinfect the shopping before the patient touches these items and use masks inside the home


Although it is recommended that non-urgent bone marrow transplants be postponed, MD Anderson Madrid has launched a protocol to guarantee the safety of those who need transplants without delay

22% of people diagnosed with cancer in Spain have a rare tumour, according to data from the Spanish Orphan and Infrequent Tumours Group (GETHI). In these cases, as with other rare diseases, the main problems are delayed diagnosis, reduced availability of therapeutic options and, above all, the difficulty of finding professionals who are experts in a disease that only affects a small part of the population.
