Immunotherapy can benefit overall survival rates in cases of renal carcinoma in combination with adjuvant treatment Published on 03/04/2024 Renal carcinoma is one of the 15 most common tumours worldwide, affecting more than 9,000 patients every year in Spain1
The correct implementation of screening tests would reduce annual deaths from colorectal cancer by a third Published on 26/03/2024 Madrid, 20 March 2024. With more than 44,000 new cases, colon and rectal cancers will be those most frequently diagnosed in Spain in 20241 and are the second most common cause of cancer death in our country. The 5-year overall survival rate for people with colorectal cancer (CRC) is around 65%2. However, the rate can vary depending on various factors, especially the stage of the disease, with a 5-year survival rate of 90% in people with early-stage colorectal cancer compared with approximately 10% once metastases occur. This means that colorectal cancer detected early is potentially curable in 9 out of 10 patients2.
The tyranny of positivism as the 'enemy' of the cancer patient Published on 05/03/2024 Although negative emotions are not pleasant, they are natural and are part of the process of psychological adaptation to the illness, and externalising them helps patients to find help.
Cigna Healthcare and MD Anderson Madrid present the guide 'Cancer in the company II' Published on 28/02/2024 The document distinguishes four key moments in the approach to cancer in the company, pre-diagnosis (anticipation, early diagnosis and prevention), diagnosis (impact management), treatment (support) and return to work (readaptation).
MD Anderson Madrid holds an international workshop to discuss the use of HIPEC in advanced ovarian cancer Published on 15/02/2024 The meeting will be attended by the main researchers of the OVHIPEC-1(1) and CHIPOR(2) trials, randomised phase 3 studies assessing the potential efficacy of HIPEC in two specific scenarios of ovarian cancer with peritoneal carcinomatosis.
Radiology plays an integral and fundamental role in managing breast cancer Published on 08/02/2024 Artificial intelligence (AI) contributes to improved diagnosis, faster image analysis and early detection.
MD Anderson Madrid surgeons will use 3D technology to plan their operations Published on 01/02/2024 This technology allows the creation of anatomical models specific to individual patients and assists in surgical planning and the prevention of potential complications.
MD Anderson Madrid introduces the Oncogeriatrics Service to incorporate geriatric care into cancer care Published on 18/01/2024 This technology allows the creation of anatomical models specific to individual patients and assists in surgical planning and the prevention of potential complications.
Fatigue, one of the subjective symptoms most frequently mentioned by cancer patients Published on 10/01/2024 Fatigue affects a high percentage of cancer patients, between 78% and 96%
A healthy Christmas menu adapted to the needs of people with cancer Published on 19/12/2023 Depending on the type of tumour and treatment, it may be important to modify the texture of dishes or control the quantities ingested or volume of liquids, always avoiding saturated fats and refined sugars.