MD Anderson Madrid inaugurates their Phase I Clinical Trials Unit, one of the largest in Spain and Europe dedicated to the first phase of research Published on 03/11/2021 Advised directly from Houston, the unit will focus on research into the most promising cancer drugs in clinical development worldwide. It is estimated that more than 40 clinical studies in phase I will be investigated simultaneously
3D ultrasound applied to breast cancer - safer, more effective than traditional techniques in young patients or those with dense breasts Published on 20/10/2021 Young patients, or those with dense breasts are more vulnerable to false negatives with mammography
Systemic mastocytosis, a disease of rare diagnosis, to be studied at the 10th Acute Leukemia Conference of MD Anderson Madrid Published on 27/09/2021 It will feature prominent speakers from different countries in America and Europe, as well as the intervention of professionals from the MD Anderson leukemia department in Houston
Survival rates for lung cancer may have fallen by 2% due to delays in diagnosis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic Published on 13/09/2021 Madrid, September 13, 2021- "the survival rate in lung cancer in Spain may have fallen by 2% since the beginning of the pandemic as a result of delays in diagnosing patients”, as stated by Dr. Allan Sam, head of the Pulmonology Service at MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid, on the occasion of European Lung Cancer Week, which takes place these days, who also adds that the real figure will not be known until after a year or two.
The incorporation of monoclonal antibodies to first line treatment of Multiple Myeloma improves survival rates Published on 07/09/2021 Autologous transplantation continues to be part of the standard treatment for newly diagnosed patients with no comorbidities, as well as the combination of chemotherapy with the anti-CD38 monoclonal antibody
The SEOR, the ESTRO and the Madrid Convention Bureau continue to increase the visibility of radiotherapy Published on 25/08/2021 The creation of a website and the dissemination of a campaign to make radiotherapy more visible aim to inform the Spanish public about the importance and benefits in terms of survival and quality of life of radiotherapy in the treatment of many types of cancer. The initiatives are part of a legacy project to citizens, on the occasion of the Annual Congress of the European Society of Radiation Oncology (ESTRO), taking place in Madrid this week
Hormone Replacement Therapy is safe and recommended for all menopausal women with symptoms that affect their quality of life Published on 03/08/2021 The condition can cause vasomotor problems, like hot flashes, trouble sleeping, sudden increases in temperature and genital atrophy, which causes constant itching. Patients with cervical or endometrial cancer may benefit from estrogen-induced menopause
Eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, protecting themselves from the sun and resting, advice for the cancer patient in summer Published on 20/07/2021 An ideal diet should be varied, unrestricted, with elements from all the food groups, easy to prepare and provide adequate calorie intake
Lip cancer has a 95% survival rate if diagnosed early Published on 05/07/2021 As it is located in a highly visible area, detection is usually very easy: a small erosion or wound that has not healed after a few weeks is a suspicious symptom. The sun and smoking are the main risk factors for lip cancer and cause a multiplier effect when both factors are involved
A decade of hope begins for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia thanks to new treatments like FLT3 inhibitors Published on 21/06/2021 New drugs, like FLT3 inhibitors, improve survival rates in people with acute myeloid leukemia, acting on altered intracellular signaling pathways that allow cancer cells to grow