MD Anderson Madrid specialists analyze current events in oncology at the VIII National Congress for Cancer Patients Published on 20/11/2013 Four members of the MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid medical team will take part in two discussions about gynecologic cancer and colon cancer, a workshop on cancer in the couple an...
Cada vez más hombres superan la disfunción eréctil tras la operación de cáncer de próstata Published on 19/11/2013 La incontinencia urinaria afecta en torno al 25% de los hombres sometidos a una prostatectomía radical. En el caso de la disfunción eréctil los datos son más variables en función d...
Las mujeres con cáncer apuestan por su participación activa en la toma de decisiones durante su tratamiento Published on 12/11/2013 Madrid, 12 de noviembre de 2013.- Cerca de 200 mujeres han participado en el I Encuentro de Mujeres con Cáncer ‘Soy Vida’, organizado por MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid en colabo...
More than 250 specialists gather in Alicante to analyze the latest advances in Surgical Oncology Published on 08/10/2013 Latest generation techniques, like robotic surgery, minimally invasive or image guided surgery and hepatic chemosaturation have changed the surgical approach to cancer. Experts...
20% of tumors diagnosed involve the head and neck area Published on 02/09/2013 Cancer of the head and neck, which also affects the jaw or maxilla, “has a very high incidence rate due mainly to two risk factors – tobacco and alcohol, although recent studies sh...
The evolution of the disease is the most common doubt among cancer patients Published on 06/08/2013 Finding out about possible treatments, worry about the loss of fertility, facing pain or knowing whether the cancer is hereditary are the fundamental doubts after learning the diag...
La reincorporación a la vida laboral es una de las metas en la rehabilitación del paciente con cáncer Published on 24/07/2013 En la última década, la tasa de superación y supervivencia de los pacientes con cáncer se ha duplicado gracias a la detección precoz de los tumores y a los continuos avances en dia...
MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid carries out the first complete removal of a lung by videothoracoscopy in the Autonomous Region of Madrid Published on 10/07/2013 The main benefit of the technique is the rapid recovery of the patient compared with open surgery. To be precise, 12 hours after the operation the patient is already sitting up and...
MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid participates in the summer course “Cancer and new technologies. Betting on the Future” organized by Madrid Complutense University Published on 04/07/2013 The course, “Cancer and new technologies. Betting on the Future”, aims to bring vanguard knowledge in the field to students taking part in summer courses organized by Madrid Complu...
El retraso de las altas temperaturas hace que la población se ‘relaje’ con su protección solar. Published on 07/06/2013 La falta de calor puede hacer olvidar a la población que, independientemente de las temperaturas, en esta época del año los rayos solares caen de forma perpendicular en los países ...