
Medical services

The different clinical services constitute the backbone on which the healthcare activity of MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid is organised.


Unidad Especializada de Cirugía de Tumores de la Pelvis

La Unidad Especializada de Cirugía de Tumores de la Pelvis trata una amplia variedad de tumoraciones cancerígenas, todas las que se desarrollan dentro de esta área anatómica: el cáncer de recto y de canal anal; el cáncer de endometrio, cáncer de cérvix, vulva y vagina; el cáncer de próstata y cáncer de vejiga; sarcomas; así como recidivas de todos los tumores mencionados.

Distintas especialidades médicas se hacen responsables del tratamiento de cada tumor en función de su origen; necesitando en ocasiones de colaboraciones entre especialistas, incluso de cirujanos plásticos, vasculares y/o traumatólogos. A esto se suma la participación de los oncólogos médicos y/o radioterapeutas para la aplicación de terapias neoadyuvantes o adyuvantes según los casos.

The pelvis is a complex part of the body where a number of organs and systems are located: the digestive tract, the genital organs and the male and female reproductive organs. The main blood vessels and nerves of the lower limbs and reproductive organs also go through the pelvis: all of this inside a rigid armour of bone making access difficult. This means that approaching a tumor in the area is complicated and requires very accurate knowledge of the body and, in some cases, the team work of various specialists.

To be able to deal with these tumors, which often affect several organs, the unit comprises various surgical specialists: Gastroenterologist, Urologist, Gynecologist, Orthopedic Surgeon, Plastic Surgeon and Vascular Surgeon. On occasions, before and/or after surgery further treatment is required with chemo and/or radio therapy and, therefore, the unit works with Medical Oncologists and Radiotherapists specialized in these tumors. In addition, other specialists like Radiologists, Anatomopathologists, Nutritionists or Stomal Therapists work together to make the unit work.

The main problem with pelvic tumors in comparison with tumors in other parts of the body is the higher risk of the tumor reappearing after initial removal. Therefore, the probability of the tumor reappearing is directly linked to the quality of the first surgical procedure.

Therefore, these tumors must be treated from the initial diagnosis by experienced specialists to reduce the chances of the tumor reappearing to minimum.

However, treating the tumor at a specialized unit reduces the incidence of common side effects of this kind of surgery, such as sexual or bladder dysfunction.